Monday, January 28, 2013

From my diary : Pharaoh divine incarnation


 The Egyptian pharaon the " Son of Re". 
    "Born as Horus living in the horizon sits on the 
          throne of Horus of the living ". 
( Pyramid Text )

The pharaon was seen as a divine incarnation .He was son of Ra,the son god and would ultimately rejoin his divine parent in the sky.

The word pharaon is derived from the
 words " per aa " meaning 'great house '.The pharaoh was seen as a divine incarnation.He was son of Ra , the son god and would ultimately rejoin his divine parent in the sky.His role on earth was to intercede on behalf of the country with his god. Pharaoh life was encased in a set of ritual practices and religious ceremonies.
Pharaoh life was encased in a set of ritual practices and religious ceremonies.

The pharaoh was a high priest above all others and all strands of Egyptian life ultimately came together in the person of tne king.He also had a decisive secular role in his person the divine and the mortal came together 

The pharaoh was a high priest above all others and all strands of Egyptian life ultimately came together in the person of tne king.He also had a decisive secular role in his person the divine and the mortal came together.



   Ideology of royal power  


Horus initially  the dominant  falcon god gliding across the distant sky is ever more identified as the son of Osiris

In the Predinastic period the first known to us  pharaoh called Scorpion and Narmer (Menes) were closely  linked to  Horus.Lived in 3000 B.C.The strenght of the belief that pharaoh united and so recreated the kingdom is shown on the Narmer's Tablet.
      Pharaoh Scorpion
In the Predinastic period the first known to us  pharaoh called Scorpion and Narmer (Menes) were closely  linked to  Horus.Lived in 3000 B.C.The strenght of the belief that pharaoh united and so recreated the kingdom is shown on the Narmer's Tablet.
Narmer's Tablet

In the Predinastic period the first known to us  pharaoh called Scorpion and Narmer (Menes) were closely  linked to  Horus.Lived in 3000 B.C.The strenght of the belief that pharaoh united and so recreated the kingdom is shown on the Narmer's Tablet.
The symbiosis of king and falcon sculpturally introduced in the images of Khafre.The most impresive representations of a tutelary god.Horus as falcon spreading his wings around the head of the king protecting him.The pharaoh is personifications of the gods themselves.

The symbiosis of king and falcon sculpturally introduced in the images of Khafre.The most impresive representations of a tutelary god.Horus as falcon spreading his wings around the head of the king protecting him.The pharaoh is personifications of the gods themselves.

The symbiosis of king and falcon sculpturally introduced in the images of Khafre.The most impresive representations of a tutelary god.

Horus as falcon spreading his wings around the head of the king protecting him.The pharaoh is personifications of the gods themselves.

                                  Royal titulary

          Pharaoh chooses a set names on his accession to the throne. 

  • The Horus name.It present the pharaoh as the incarnation of the falcon god Horus.
  • The Nebti name.It places pharaoh under the protection of the two tutelary goddesses of Egypt Nekhbet the vulture goddess of Upper Egypt and Wadjit the cobra goddess of Lower Egypt.
  • The Golden Horus name.Introduced Horus sitting on the sign for gold,nub this name reaffirms the unchangeable divine and sublime nature of the body of Horus.Pharaoh is the living incarnation of the Horus.                          
The Horus name.It present the pharaoh as the incarnation of the falcon god Horus.