Thursday, January 24, 2013

From my diary : about Egyptian Mythology and Religion

Egyptian religion was polytheistic.The Egyptian gods can be understood in terms their cults and in terms of their cosmic dimensions.Most gods had cult places in many Egyptian temples.In most temples one god was linked with other gods.The temple was the resting place of the gods imagined as the image of the cosmos with the god's house.Creations of the Gods is the main topics of Egyptian theology. Several concepts are known tied to a town: Memphis, Heliopolis, Hermopolis. Cosmogony is a mythic tale describing the creations of the world and the settling of the natural elements of the universe. Besides the major cosmological systems there were also minor cosmogonies known to us from quotations to text they syncretized other known systems of the universal Egyptian gods.


Image Of Heaven

In Egyptian mythology Osiris is believed to the eldest offspring of Geb egyptian god of earth and Nut egyptian sky goddess. He was the husband of Isis, who is the Egyptian goddess of fertility and mother hood and was worshiped as the ideal mother by ancient Egyptians. Osiris was also the father of Horus.Osiris was one of the most important deities of ancient egypt.
Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

In Egyptian mythology Osiris is believed to the eldest offspring of Geb egyptian god of earth and Nut egyptian sky goddess. He was the husband of Isis, who is the Egyptian goddess of fertility and mother hood and was worshiped as the ideal mother by ancient Egyptians. Osiris was also the father of Horus.Osiris was one of the most important deities of ancient egypt. 


Universal Gods


Some Egyptian gods were universal in the sense that there was no particular place with which they were connected, some of the universal gods started as local deities like god Anubis.


 God Ptah at the begining he is the patron of goldsmith sculptors and  craftsman, he is considered as the inventor of tehnical skills.He becomes the creative god of Memphis.

God Ptah at the begining he is the patron of goldsmith sculptors and  craftsman, he is considered as the inventor of tehnical skills.He becomes the creative god of Memphis. 



Osiris is the god of the dead in the Egyptian mythology.He also represents the yearly revival of vegetation.Egyptians identify himselfs with this god. In the afterworld and to enter to his kingdom because he give a hope of eternal life.

Osiris is the god of the dead in the Egyptian mythology.He also represents the yearly revival of vegetation.Egyptians identify himselfs with this god. In the afterworld and to enter to his kingdom because he give a hope of eternal life.



 Goddess Isis is wife and sister of Osiris and mother of Horus. She is universal goddess with many roles who acts in all circumstances  in the world of the living as well as in the other world.She belongs to the great Enead of Heliopolis. She is the daughter of Geb and Nut.  

Goddess Isis is wife and sister of Osiris and mother of Horus.

She is universal goddess with many roles who acts in all circumstances  in the world of the living as well as in the other world.She belongs to the great Enead of Heliopolis. She is the daughter of Geb and Nut.