Monday, February 4, 2013

From my diary : The Source of Isis

Isis is one of the earliest and most important goddess in ancient Egypt. She was regarded as the feminine counterpart to Osiris, a role she probably occupied before the dawn of dynastic Egypt.She is the daughter of Geb the earth and Nut the sky,wife and sister of god Osiris. 

Isis is one of the earliest and most important goddess in ancient Egypt. She was regarded as the feminine counterpart to Osiris, a role she probably occupied before the dawn of dynastic Egypt.She is the daughter of Geb the earth and Nut the sky,wife and sister of god Osiris.

 Isis is one of the earliest and most important goddess in ancient Egypt. She was regarded as the feminine counterpart to Osiris, a role she probably occupied before the dawn of dynastic Egypt.She is the daughter of Geb the earth and Nut the sky,wife and sister of god Osiris.

 No other Egyptian deity has stood the test of time as well as Isis.Together with Thoth, she taught mankind the secrets of medicine. She was the embalmer and gaurdian of Osiris.                                                                   
No other Egyptian deity has stood the test of time as well as Isis.Together with Thoth, she taught mankind the secrets of medicine. She was the embalmer and gaurdian of Osiris.

Isis is portrayed as a woman with a throne on her head which is a hieroglyphic  sign used to write her name.Over the centuries she has assumed the many feminine goddesses.
Isis carries a many attributes and their iconography belonging to Hathor,Neith,Satis,Sakhmet,Opet,Serket or Renenutet. 


She is often rendered on the foot of coffins with long wing spread to protect the deceased.
She is often rendered on the foot of coffins with long wing spread to protect the deceased.

Isis is universal goddess with many roles,who acts in all circumstances in the world of the living as well as in the other world.

Isis is universal goddess with many roles,who acts in all circumstances in the world of the living as well as in the other world.

Isis belonged to the Heliopolitan ennead she is guardian and magician.Powerful tutelary " great in magic" and " mother goddess" 
The egyptian Isis is protector of children and 
woman ,great magician, protector of the mymmy
The egyptian Isis is protector of children and   woman ,great magician, protector of the mymmy  of the deceased.  She is a mother of sun god Horus.  She was worshipped above all in Philae.As a god's mother, divine adoratrice,lady of the sky, the her cult together with Osiris spread the furthest in the late period.of the deceased.
She is a mother of sun god Horus.
She was worshipped above all in Philae.As a god's mother, divine adoratrice,lady of the sky, the her cult together with Osiris spread the furthest in the late period.



Powerful Tutelary

Isis belonged to the Heliopolitan ennead she is guardian and magician.Powerful tutelary " great in magic" and " mother goddess".

In the legend of Osiris,Isis are the main actors in which  concerns Seth murder of Osiris.Isis with her sister Nephthys to look for all the disembered pieces that have been strewn across Egypt. She ask god Anubis to help her to create the Osiris and in  same time she made the first  mummy.

In the legend of Osiris,Isis are the main actors in which  concerns Seth murder of Osiris.Isis with her sister Nephthys to look for all the disembered pieces that have been strewn across Egypt. She ask god Anubis to help her to create the Osiris and in  same time she made the first  mummy.

Under the Ptolemaic and Roman dynasties Isis became the universal goddess and her cult spread far beyond Egypt's.

Under the Ptolemaic and Roman dynasties Isis became the universal goddess and her cult spread far beyond Egypt's.

In Roman Empire she lasted for an extraordinarily long time.Isis temple in Philae is shut in 551 under the regin of Emperor Justinian.It is very difficult to describe the personality of Isis who appears in a great many myths.She is protector of life in the other world and she protects the royal function and ensures the balance of the Universe,

 In Roman Empire she lasted for an extraordinarily long time.Isis temple in Philae is shut in 551 under the regin of Emperor Justinian.It is very difficult to describe the personality of Isis who appears in a great many myths.She is protector of life in the other world and she protects the royal function and ensures the balance of the Universe.                            





                           Instead of the Conclusion



The Source of Egyptian goddess Isis manning the Isis Light.The Source of Isis travels around the space. 

































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