Tuesday, January 15, 2013

From my diary:Tutankhamun - Living image of Aten

The pharaons cult statues to be at the disposal of the gods.According to the Palermo stone statues were created by royal acts.All statues were animated by the Opening of the Mouth ceremony.The statue then became the potential resting place for the divine ba.The divine ba is creative power could rest in variety of places.It was therefore important that the ba stayed with the dead.Ba the soul of the deceased is a kind of spirit that leaves the body at death and goes wandering as he likes.Ba can stay in the tomb near the body go into the funeary chapel or can wander around to find the favorite walks of the deceased.

The pharaons cult statues to be at the disposal of the gods.According to the Palermo stone statues were created by royal acts.All statues were animated by the Opening of the Mouth ceremony.The statue then became the potential resting place for the divine ba.The divine ba is creative power could rest in variety of places.It was therefore important that the ba stayed with the dead.Ba the soul of the deceased is a kind of spirit that leaves the body at death and goes wandering as he likes.Ba can stay in the tomb near the body go into the funeary chapel or can wander around to find the favorite walks of the deceased.

Tutankhaten " Living image of Aten",this was his orginal name. Tutankhamun is probably the most famous of all pharaohs though he ruled only for nine years and died at an young age of 19. What caused his untimely death remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in history. The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter in 1922 is considered the most important archaeological find of the century. The mysteries surrounding his life and death are gradually being solved. And his story continues to unfold as new theories are proposed in an attempt to explain what really happened to the boy behind the golden mask.

Funeary mask of Tutankhamun.This mask protected the head ,shoulders and upper chest of Tutankhamun mummy.Hieroglyphics engraved in columns on the pharaon's back and shoulders cite a magical formula which came to be a part of the Book of the dead during the New Kingdom.The 18th dynasty (circa 1550-1295 B.C.) of the New Kingdom was one of the most powerful royal houses of ancient Egypt that included the reign of Tutankhamun. Little was known of Tutankhamun and his ancestry prior to Howard Carter's discovery of his intact tomb (KV62) in the Valley of the Kings in 1922.
Funeary Mask



Funeary mask of Tutankhamun.
This mask protected the head,shoulders and upper chest of Tutankhamun mummy,Hieroglyphics engraved in columns on the pharaon's back and shoulders cite a magical formula which came to be a part of the Book of the dead during the New Kingdom.
The XVIII th dynasty of the New Kingdom was one of the most powerful royal houses of ancient Egypt that included the regin of Tutankhamun.Little was known of Tutankhamun and his ancestry prior to Howard Carter's discovery of his intact tomb( KV62 ) in the valley of the Kings in 1922.

The Ka - in  conrast to the active ba the sacred images prepared for the gods were called the ka.The  Egyptians thought that the ka was the creative force that accompanies people in life. Double statues represent the person with his double.In the XVIII th dinasty royal Ka mansion  was replaced by the house of the millions of years erected also in multiples for a single pharaon.In the morning the divine power ba of the pharaon descended with the rays of the rising sun and united with his statue his Ka.  Egyptian Ka is considered to be a manifestation of the life force either conservative or creative that continues to live after the death of the body.Offerings and funerary formulas are addressed to the Ka which is the element allowing the deceased to survive in the afterworld.

The Ka - in  conrast to the active ba the sacred images prepared for the gods were called the ka.The  Egyptians thought that the ka was the creative force that accompanies people in life. Double statues represent the person with his double.In the XVIII th dinasty royal Ka mansion  was replaced by the house of the millions of years erected also in multiples for a single pharaon.In the morning the divine power ba of the pharaon descended with the rays of the rising sun and united with his statue his Ka.
Egyptian Ka is considered to be a manifestation of the life force either conservative or creative that continues to live after the death of the body.Offerings and funerary formulas are addressed to the Ka which is the element allowing the deceased to survive in the afterworld.

The Egyptians call spirit all the beings who in the underworld make the path to the  kingdom of the dead difficult and perilous.They are powers of chaos, hybrid animals and malevolent forces.There are hundreds of them on the walls of the tombs but it  is posible to make them powerless by knowing his name or the right formula to say in case they are encountered.Thats why their representation is accompanied by a very detailed legend that gives the deceased all the information allowing him never to be caught unaware.

The Egyptians call spirit all the beings who in the underworld make the path to the  kingdom of the dead difficult and perilous.They are powers of chaos, hybrid animals and malevolent forces.There are hundreds of them on the walls of the tombs but it  is posible to make them powerless by knowing his name or the right formula to say in case they are encountered.Thats why their representation is accompanied by a very detailed legend that gives the deceased all the information allowing him never to be caught unaware.

Tutankhamun is the best known pharaoh of ancient Egypt.Over 3,000 treasures were placed in the tomb to help Tutankhamun in his afterlife, and the walls of the burial chamber were painted with scenes of his voyage to the afterworld.

Voyage To The Afterworld

Tutankhamun is the best known pharaoh of ancient Egypt.Over 3,ooo treasures were placed in the tomb to help Tutankhamun in his after life,and the walls of the burial chamber were painted with scenes of his voyage to the afterworld. 


Funeary mask of Tutankhamun.  This mask protected the head,shoulders and upper chest of Tutankhamun mummy,Hieroglyphics engraved in columns on the pharaon's back and shoulders cite a magical formula which came to be a part of the Book of the dead during the New Kingdom.











1 comment:

  1. Hi, your blog is quite interesting and touch on a lot of most important topics of ancient egyptian era. So go on please !
